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Planning and History of Planning in Nepal

 Planning is an art of thinking before doing something. Plan is a framework that details the methods and tasks that are to be implemented in order to achieve a desire goal. Planning is determining in advance what is to be done, when to do, what to do and how to do.

Planned development as a concept evolved around central economic planning in socialist state, but the capitalist economic also tried planned intervention in the economy after the great depression of 1930s. The concept of planned development became popular in decades of sixties and seventies.

Rationale for Development planning

a.    Market failure argument (state intervention is required to correct market failure).

b.   Rapid growth argument (Rapid growth can be achieved through planning)

c.    Resource constraint argument

d.   Foreign aid argument

e.    People’s will argument

f.    Social equity argument (market mechanism alone cannot address social equity or equitable distribution of income, opportunities & resources).

Models of development planning

a.    Socialist view:

It emphasizes central planning as fundamental aspect of economy. It is based on effective utilization of distributive justice with the limited resources at the hand of government. Socialist believe private sector as profit oriented and state is sole protector of social justice.


b.   Capitalist view:

Although capitalist economists have adopted the principle that state intervention should be kept minimum and market mechanism should be allowed to operate independently, state intervention is justified to correct depression and doom period in trade cycle. Planned development in capitalist economy spins around creating conductive environment for private sector development creating competitive environment for production & distribution.


c.    Mixed economy version:

Planned development is a key component of mixed economy which aims at balancing role of private & public sector for economic development. Public expenditure & private investment guide the economic development and private sector works under planned guidance of the state. Planned development in mixed economy resemble more to socialist system than to capital system.


Criteria for the formulation of plan

a. Fundamental rights, Directive principle of the state and state policies (Federalism, Decentralization, Exploitation free society, participation of private sector, open market system, pluralism)

b.     Sustainable development goal

c.      Commitments made by the government in international conferences and forums

d.     Manifesto of political parties and commitment made by ruling parties

e.      Public will and expectation and availability or resources

f.      Socio-economic condition of the nation

g.     Foreign investment, resources and priorities & influences of donor agencies

h.     Previous plan, policies and implementation capacity

i.       Information, reports and data from different agencies

Planning stages

a.      Collection of data & statistics

b.     Macrolevel economic forecasting

c.      Choosing planning model & strategy

d.     Formulating & fixing objectives

e.      Formulating sectorial policies & programs

f.      Specifying targets

g.     Ascertaining capital

h.     Allocation of resources

i.       Fixing priorities

j.       Allocating human resources

k.     Determining evaluation criteria

l.       Writing overall aspects in plan document


a.      Macro phase (Policy, growth rate anticipation, investment, trade)

b.     Middle phase (National economy to regional & sectorial target, remove bottle neck, complementary investment, prioritize sectors)

c.      Micro phase (identification of projects, national pride projects)

Planning process in Nepal

Institutional Structure

a.      Councils of Ministers

b.     National Development Council

c.      National planning commission and its secretariat

d.     Ministries & departments related to the development


1.   First Phase: (Preparation of concept paper)

a.      Analysis of condition, review of current plan

b.     Drafting of concept paper by NPC

c.      Improvise the draft with consultation of concerned ministries & stake holders

d.     Approval of concept paper from the board of NPC

e.      Submission to NDC, for endorsement, gain feedback & improvise

f.      Approval of concept paper by council of ministers

2.   Second phase: (Detailed document preparation)

a.      As per the directives of National development council, planning commission prepares draft principles, objectives & sectorial guidelines in consultation of concerned ministries & other national stakeholders.

b.     Ministries prepare draft sectorial policies & programs.

c.      NPC in consultation with MOF, estimates resources required for these programs and produces estimates of how those resources would be met, including the government revenue and external assistance.

d.     Detail document is submitted to directive committee and to board of NPC for approval.

e.      Document is then submitted to NDC for endorsement and to council of ministers for approval.

Nepalese Planning Experience

Nepal has substantially invested time, resources and skills in planning for the development of nation. During the Rana regime (1846-1950) two long term perspective plans were declared but could not be implemented. At first, the long-term plan (20 years) was introduced during the period of Juddha Shumsher but couldn’t be implemented. National planning committee was formed in 2005 BS and planners from India gave suggestions to the committee. However, it also failed to be implemented. The periodic plans started in Nepal after the establishment of democracy in 1951. For the first time, annual year program with budget (estimates of income & expenditure) was published in 2008 BS. In 2013 BS, under the chairmanship of prime minister, National planning commission was established and in the same year, first 5 years perspective plan (2013-18) was issued. This was the first step for institutionalization of planning sector in Nepal. 2018/19, 2047/48, 2048/49 has remained as plan holiday in Nepal and rest of period has continued in planned development. The 15th plan 3-year plan (076/77-080/81) is now currently under implementation.

Review on past plans


Priority Sector

Appropriated budget


First 5-year plan (2013/14-2017/18)

(formulated from scratch in absence of reliable data, statistics & professional expertise)






33 crores

Importance of planned development

Foundation stone laid for planning

22 crore investment

Second 3-year plan (2019/20-21/22)

(focused on economic growth, economic stability, balance development employment and creation of equitable social order)

Agriculture & Industrial production

Economic stability


Decrease in economic inequalities

60 crores

Financial goals were accomplished

Establishment of some public corporation

Extension of roads & airports

Start of agriculture and industry loan

5 development regions were established

Third 5-year plan (22/23-26/27)

(Increased involvement of local panchayats in the planning process)

Transport, communication & electricity

Food & industrial product

International trade

Rural development

250 crores

Investment 178 crores

Mixed outcomes

Fourth 5-year plan (2027/28- 2031/32)

(Gave emphasis to administrative reforms & human development)

Production increment

Transport & communication

International trade

Population control


354 crores

Construction of Siddhartha & Prithvi highway

National education plan

Concept on regional development

Resettlement plan

5th 5-year plan (2032/33-2036/37)

(emphasis to balanced regional development and local development)

Increase in production of public utility

Maximum utilization of labor force

Regional balance

754 crores

2.3% economic growth

Meaningful concept of balanced regional development


6th 5-year plan (2037/38-2041/42)

(brought concept of basic needs like foods, clothing, education & health)

Increase in production

Increase in productive employment opportunities

Fulfill basic needs of people


21 Arab 75 crores

Achievements and outcomes are not remarkable

7th 5-year plan (2042/43-2045/47)

(highlighted the concept of decentralization & basic needs of people)

Production & employment

Agriculture, forest, soil conservation, water resources

Industry, trade, tourism

Population control

29 Arab

Not remarkable achievements

8th 5-year plan (2049/50-2053/54)

(largely influenced by the wave of liberal democratic policies, liberalization and deregulation)

Sustainable economic development

Poverty alleviation

Reducing regional imbalance

Privatization, liberalization, deregulation & de-licensing

170 Arab

Investment friendly environment

Improvement in public service delivery

9th 5-year plan (2054/55-58/59)

(sole objective was poverty alleviation through 3 pillar strategy)

High, sustainable & broad economic growth

Social sector & rural infrastructure development

Reduce poverty from (42%-32%)

Target programs for poor

Poverty alleviation

337 Arab

Infrastructure development

Increase in literacy rate


10th 5-year plan (2059/60- 63/64)

(To reduce absolute poverty to 30% and bring 6% economic growth) also adopted 4 pillar strategy for poverty reduction

Poverty alleviation

Broad & high economic growth

Social development & infrastructure development

Targeted programs

Good governance

640 Arab

Reduced poverty

Improvement in social inclusion

Policy reforms

Ambitious plan in context of political instability & conflict

Started MTEF

11th interim 3-year plan (2064/65-66/67)

(sought to bring inclusive development, bringing erstwhile disadvantage groups to mainstream of development)


Relief, restoration & social integration

Reconstruction & restructuring of infrastructure

Inclusive development

Economic growth through infrastructure development

Poverty reduction (bring poverty line to 24%)

587 Arab

Mixed results due to energy crisis and political stability

12th 3-year interim plan (2067/68- 69/70)

(plan sought to achieve millennium development goals by 2015)


Balanced development of physical and social infrastructure

Employment generation & economic growth


Good governance

Environment protection & climate change

Poverty line (25% to 21%)

10 Kharb

Mixed results due to energy crisis and political stability

13th 3-year plan (2070/71-72/73)

(envisioned Nepal’s graduation as the least developed country to developing country by 2022)

Hydropower & alternate energy

Increasing productivity of agricultural sector, diversification and commercialization

Tourism, industry, business sector

Basic education, health, water supply & sanitation

Natural resource & environment conservation

14 kharb 72 Arab

Due to political instability and absence of local representatives, achievements were not satisfactory

Among 19 indicators, average life expectancy, approach to telephone & increase in forest are were only achieved


14th plan 3-year plan (2073/74- 76/77)

(Socio-economic transformation through reduction of poverty & high economic growth with promotion of productive employment and fair distribution of resources)

Transformation in agriculture, tourism and industrial & entrepreneur sector

Energy, road, air transport, social development, information & communication

Human development through social development, social security and social protection

Reforms in economic, social and governance sector

Gender equality, inclusion and environment conservation

7.2% economic growth

Poverty line (21.6%- 17%)


24 kharb 25 Arab



15th plan


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