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Preparation of Sub Grade in Road (Nepal)



(1) Formation Level

The level of the top surface of the subgrade upon which pavement structures is built up.

(2) Subgrade

Up to 500 mm below formation (Lowest level of pavement crust) level is designated as “subgrade”.

(3) Capping Layers

Capping layers are layers of specified materials to be laid and compacted in the subgrade and below as required, in replacement of in-situ materials to achieve CBR conforming to Clause 609, Table 6.2.

(4) Stabilizer

The selected natural or crushed material, lime, cement and other similar materials to be mixed into the in-situ material of the subgrade is defined as the “stabilizer”.

(5) Mechanical Stabilization

The addition and mixing of natural or crushed material to improve the in-situ material of the subgrade. (6) Lime Stabilization

The addition and mixing of lime to improve in-situ material of the subgrade such as in-situ material with a CBR is less than 5% or saturated soils.

(7) Treated Materials

Following the addition of stabilizer to the in-situ materials, the material is referred to as “treated material”. Treated materials may be either mechanically stabilized, lime stabilized, cement stabilized, or so on.


Preparation and surface treatment of formation shall be carried out only after completion of all drainage works unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer and prior to laying the sub-base or the base where no sub-base is required. The sequence of operations shall be as follows:

(1) Formation of Loose Untreated Materials

Materials for use in the subgrade shall not contain particles larger than 60 mm. In addition, the material shall have a CBR of not less than 5% measured after a 4-day soak on a laboratory mix compacted to 95% MDD (heavy compaction), a swell of less than 1%, a plasticity index of less than 40% and an organic matter content less than 3%. In-situ material in the subgrade in cutting that does not meet these requirements shall either be spoiled or, if suitable, placed in the embankment. The spoiled material shall be replaced with material meeting the requirements for loose material in the subgrade. In fill areas, and in cutting except otherwise instructed by the Engineer, according to the material encountered, loose materials of the embankment and cuttings shall be deposited in the layers of 150 mm compacted depth. Each layer shall extend reasonably more than the full width of the embankments or cutting and shall be compacted in accordance with requirements as specified hereunder: -

(a) The material shall be broken down to the above specified grading and any oversize material which cannot be broken down to the require size shall be removed and disposed off. The material shall be scarified and the moisture content shall be adjusted by either uniformly mixing in water or drying out the material such that the moisture content during compaction is between 95% and 100% of the Optimum Moisture Content. The moisture content shall be kept within these limits until compaction is complete except where otherwise instructed by the Engineer.

(b) Each layer shall be compacted to a dry density equal to at least 95% MDD (heavy compaction).

(c) In accordance with Section 500, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his proposals for the compaction of the material to be used in the subgrade. The proposal shall be based on the type of plant, the range of passes and the loose depth of the layer. The Contractor shall carry out site compaction trials, supplemented by necessary laboratory investigations, and shall satisfy the Engineer that all the specified requirements regarding compaction shall be achieved. Site compaction trials shall be completed and approved by the Engineer before the permanent Works commences.

(d) Testing to be carried out during the construction of subgrade shall include the following:

i. The MDD (heavy compaction), Field density and OMC shall be determined for each new material encountered as specified in Table 5.2. The test of field density shall be conducted in staggered manner i.e. at left, at crown and at right in the carriageway.

ii. The soaked CBR of material in the subgrade shall be determined as per Table 5.2 for each layer.

The Contractor shall request in writing for the Engineer’s approval for each layer in accordance with Sub-clause 509 (1) and such request shall be accompanied by the tests results of the above described testing and all additional relevant information required. If the results are as specified, he will approve for addition of another layer or will ask for further tests or rework to meet the requirements.

(2) Formation of Loose Treated Materials

The sequence of operation shall be as described in Clauses 1005 to 1006 of this Specification.

(3) Formation in Rock Cutting

The subgrade in rock cutting shall be regulated after trimming the rock excavation by a regulating course of minimum 150 mm compacted depth of natural complying with the requirements of natural material for sub-base as specified in Sub-clause 1201 (3). The regulating course shall be laid, compacted and tested in accordance with Clause 1201 and the surface regularity shall meet the requirements of Clause 1101.

(4) Preparation of Formation for Rehabilitation Works

After reinforcement of any soft areas, all surface below carriageways, lay-bys, cycle tracks, footways and hard shoulders shall be well cleaned and freed from mud a slurry.

(5) Surface Regularity and Tolerances

The surface regularity and tolerance of the subgrade shall meet the requirements of Clause 1101.

When each layer is completed the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Clause 510 for requesting the Engineer’s approval and protecting the layer.


Where shown on the Drawing or where in-situ material in the subgrade in cutting does not meet the requirements, in-situ materials shall be replaced with selected material from cuttings or borrow pits. Where materials of differing quality are available for placing in the embankments, the Engineer may also instruct that certain materials should be excluded from the subgrade and that certain materials should be set part or obtained from borrow pits for use in the upper layers. When materials for subgrade are extracted from borrows to form the capping layer, they shall be natural material complying with the following requirements: -

(1) Material classification

Materials used for use in capping layers shall be selected among soils classified as GW, GP, GC, and SW in the General Classification of Soils, described in Clause 609.

(2) Material Requirements

Material for use in the capping layers shall not contain particles larger than 75 mm and their percentage passing by weight the 0.075 mm sieve shall be less than 15%. The material shall have a CBR of not less than 15% measured after a 4-day soak on a laboratory mix compacted to 95 % MDD (heavy compaction), a swell of less than 1%, a plasticity index of less than 12%.

(3) Laying and Compaction

The material shall be deposited in the layer of 150 mm compacted depth. Each layer shall extend over the full width of the embankments or cutting and shall be compacted in accordance with the requirements specified in Sub-clause 1003 (1) (a) to (d).

(4) Tolerances

Tolerances of capping layers shall be in accordance with Sub-clause 1003 (5) When each layer is completed the Contractor shall comply with Clause 510 for requesting the Engineer’s approval and protecting the layer.


(1) General

The extent of the mechanical stabilization shall be detailed in the Special Specification or shown on the Drawing. In-situ subgrade materials subject to mechanical stabilization shall be generally soils classified as SM, ML, CL, MH, CH in the General Classification of Soils described in Clause 609 with a CBR less than 5% or a moisture content close to saturation or too high moisture content to meet the compaction requirements as set out in Sub-clause 1003 (1).

(2) Material Requirement

(a) Stabilizer (Additive Material)

Additive material shall be gravel, crushed stone/gravel or sand, according to the type and characteristics of the in-situ soil as shown in the Table 10.1. It may be crushed stone/crushed gravel, (CS) discarded material from primary crushing, or screened stone (SS) from debris and screes. Sand may be soils classified as SP, SW in the General Classification of Soil described in Clause 610 or Sand (SSFF) obtained by screening the discarded fine fraction of primary crushing. Gravel 12/40 shall have a percentage in weight passing the 12 mm sieve less than 20% and a percentage in weight passing the 40 mm sieve more than 85%. Sand shall have a Sand Equivalent more than 60.

Table 10.1: Type of Additive Material

(b) Stabilized Material Requirements

The amount of stabilizer shall be determined by the Engineer after laboratory test

The mechanically stabilized materials after mixing and compacting shall conform to the following

 Maximum size of particles 60 mm

 Uniformity Coefficient min 5

 CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) measured after 4 days’ soak min 25 %

 Swell max 1%

(3) Amount of stabilizers to be added

The amount of stabilizer to be added shall be generally between 15% and 25% in weight of the in-situ material and shall be determined by the Engineer following laboratory trials, and site trials to be carried out by the Contractor in accordance with Section 500. During the site trials, the control testing requirements shall be in accordance with Clause 507 and in addition, each set of test shall include the following:

The MDD (heavy compaction) and OMC determined on the mixed material before compaction.

The CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) after 4 days’ soak.

(4) Mixing

(a) Mixing Equipment

The equipment for scarifying the in-situ material and mixing it with the stabilizer, such as scarifies and grades, shall be capable of scarifying the materials and mixing it with the stabilizer to the full depth of the loose layer necessary to give the specified thickness of compacted material mixed and compacted in accordance with this Clause. The equipment shall be only acceptable, if during the site trials carried out in accordance with Section 500, it produces the material to the specified requirements.

(b) Preparation of the Layer

Before the stabilizer is applied, the material to be treated shall be scarified. If required or instructed by the Engineer, oversize material shall be removed or broken down so that the maximum size of the particles is not more than specified.

(c) Spreading the Stabilizer

After the layer to be treated has been prepared, the stabilizer shall be uniformly spread over the width to be worked at the specified rate.

 (d) Mixing and Watering

After the stabilizer has been spread, it shall be thoroughly and intimately mixed into the material for the full depth of the layer. Mixing shall continue until the resulting mixture forms a homogeneous filth. Care shall be taken both during mixing and subsequent watering operations so that the underlying layer is not disturbed. No material from the underlying layer is mixed with that being processed.

If watering is necessary to bring the mixture to the required moisture content, this shall be done after spreading and mixing with the stabilizer. Water shall be added in a uniform and controllable manner and, where necessary, in successive increments. Each increment shall be mixed in as a separate mixing operation. Concentration of water at any point or a flow of water over the surface shall be avoided. Any part of the mixture which becomes too wet for compaction shall be allowed to dry out until its moisture content is satisfactory for compaction. Throughout the process of mixing the stabilizer and watering, a uniform thickness of the mixture shall be maintained and, if necessary, the mixture shall be graded to maintain the correct un-compacted thickness and shape. Any part of the mixture that becomes segregated shall be removed and replaced.

(5) Compaction

(a) Thickness of Layers

The subgrade shall be constructed in the layer of 150 mm compacted depth.

(b) Compaction Requirements

The minimum density for mechanically stabilized materials shall be 95% MDD (Heavy compaction). The moisture content at the time of compaction shall be between 97% and 103% of Optimum Moisture Content.

(c) Finishing

The surface finish after compaction of any treated layer shall be free from ridges, compaction planes, laminations, loose and segregated material and other surface irregularities and shall be to the line and the level within the tolerances as specified in Clause 1101. If the surface fails to meet the requirements of this Specification, the Contractor shall take the action set out in the appropriate part of Section 1100 or such other action as the Engineer may instruct, or agree.

(6) Construction Control Testing

(a) In-situ Material

The following properties of subgrade material shall be determined as per Table 5.2.:

 Grading,

 Moisture Content,

 Atterberg limits,

 The MDD (heavy compaction) and MOC,

 The CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) after 4 days’ soak.

(b) Stabilizer

The following properties of the additive material shall be determined as per Table 5.2 and when in opinion of the Engineer the nature of the material is changed

 Grading,

 SE

(c) Control of Mixing

Prior to compaction in every 400 m2 or part thereof the following properties shall be determined on each new treated material used after mixing for subgrade of each layer.

  The MDD (heavy compaction) and OMC,

  The CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) after 4 days’ soak.

(d) Control after Completion of Each Layer

The field dry density shall be determined as specified in Table 5.2 of compacted subgrade in staggered manner i.e. at left, at crown and at right in the carriageway.

(7) Tolerances

(a) Geometric Tolerances As specified in Clause 1101.

(b) Amount of Stabilizer

The average amount of stabilizer, measured before mixing, over a length of 100 m, shall not be less than the amount specified. The average amount of stabilizer, in the treated material, measured at five points over a length of 100 m, shall not be less than the amount specified.


(1) General

The extent of lime stabilization shall be as detailed in the Special Specification or as shown on the Drawing In-situ subgrade materials subject to lime stabilization shall be generally soils classified as ML, CL, MH, CH in the General Classification of Soil described in Clause 609, with a CBR less than 5% or a moisture content close to saturation.

(2) Material Requirements

(a) Lime

Lime shall comply with the requirements of Clause 615. Quick like shall be used on in-situ materials which have a CBR less than 2% and which moisture content is close to saturation. Hydrated lime shall be used on in-situ materials which have CBR between 2% and 5%.

(b) Storage and Handling

All lime shall be kept under cover and protected from moisture. Consignments shall be use in the same sequence as they received at the site. Damaged stocks or stored on the site for more than 3 months shall not be used. The Contractor shall replace them at his own cost. Operators and labour shall be provided with protective shoes, clothing, masks, gloves and goggles when they work with lime.

(c) Requirement of Lime Treated Materials

The lime treated materials after mixing and compacting shall conform to the following requirements:

Maximum size of particles : 20 mm

 CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) measured after 4 days’ soak : min 15%

 Swell : max. 1%

(3) Amount of Lime to be added

The amount of lime to be added shall be determined by the Engineer following laboratory and site trials to be carried out by the Contractor in accordance with Section 500. For the laboratory trials, the requirements of lime treated materials shall be as specified in Sub-clause 1006 (2) (c) except for that the CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) measured on a laboratory mix after 3 days curing at ambient temperature and 4 days’ soak which shall not be less than 30%. During the site trials, the control testing requirements shall be in accordance with Clause 507 and in addition, each set of test shall include the following: The MDD (heavy compaction) OMC determined on the mixed material before compaction, The CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) after 3 days curing at ambient temperature and 4 days’ soak shall not be less than 15%.

(4) Mixing

(a) Mixing Equipment

The equipment for pulverizing the in-situ material and mixing in the stabilizer shall be purpose-built equipment capable of pulverizing the materials and mixing in the stabilizer to the full depth of the loose layer necessary to give the specified thickness of compacted material mixed and compacted in accordance with this Clause. The equipment shall be only acceptable, if during the site trials carried out in accordance with Section 500, it can produce the material of the specified requirements.

The mixers shall be equipped with a device for controlling the depth of processing and mixing blades shall be maintained or reset periodically so that the correct depth of mixing is obtained at all times. Mixing by grader shall not be permitted.

(b) Preparation of the Layer

Before the stabilizer is applied, the material to be treated shall be scarified and/or spread and broken down and oversize material shall be removed or broken down so that the maximum size of the particles is not more than the specified. The material shall first be pulverized to the required filth by successive passes. Then it shall be shaped true to line, grade and cross Section and, if required, lightly

compacted. The loose thickness shall be such as to give specified thickness after full compaction has been carried out. The moisture content of the layer before addition of the stabilizer shall be adjusted to within the range of 80% to 90% of the OMC.

(c) Spreading the Stabilizer

After the layer to be treated has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the stabilizer shall be uniformly spread at specified rate over the width to be worked at a time. If a spreader is used to spread the stabilizer ahead of the mixer, it shall be fitted with a device to ensure a uniform and controllable rate of spread both transversely and longitudinally. Only sufficient stabilizer for immediate use shall be spread ahead of the mixing operation. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, any part becomes defective, the Contractor shall replace the material of that part as his own cost and shall rework to meet the requirements. Only equipment actually used in the spreading or mixing operation shall be allowed to pass over the stabilizer, when so spread before it had been mixed into the material to be treated.

(d) Mixing and Watering

Immediately after the stabilizer has been spread, it shall be thoroughly and intimately mixed into the material for the full depth of the layer. Mixing shall continue until the resulting mixture forms a fine and homogeneous tilth. The mixing machine shall be set so that it cuts at least 100 mm into the edge of any adjoining lane processed previously so as to ensure that all the material forming the layer has been properly processed. Care shall be taken during mixing and subsequent watering operations that the underlying layer is not disturbed and that no material from the underlying layer is mixed with that being processed. If watering is necessary to bring the mixture to the required moisture content, then this shall be done after spreading and mixing in the stabilizer. Water shall be added in a uniform and controllable manner and, where necessary, in successive increments. Each increment shall be mixed in as a separate mixing operation. Concentration of water at any point or flow of water over the surface shall be avoided. Any part of the mixture becomes too wet after the stabilizer has been added and/or before the mixture is compacted shall be allowed to dry out until its moisture content is satisfactory. This part shall be retreated with fresh stabilizer and finished off in accordance with this Clause. Throughout the process of mixing in the stabilizer and water, a uniform thickness of the mixture shall be maintained and, if necessary, the mixture shall be graded to maintain the correct un-compacted thickness and shape. Any part of the mixture that becomes segregated shall be replaced by new one.

(e) Manual Mixing

Where manual mixing is permitted the soil from borrow area shall be freed of all vegetation and other deleterious matters and placed on the prepared surface. The soil shall then be pulverized by means of crow bars, pickaxes or other means approved by the Engineer. Water in requisite quantities may be sprinkled on the soil for aiding pulverization. On the pulverized soil the blending material (lime) in requisite quantities shall be spread uniformly and mixed thoroughly by working with spades or other similar tools till the whole mass is uniform. After adjusting the moisture content to be within the limits mentioned later the mixed material shall be levelled up to the required thickness so that it is ready to be rolled.

(5) Compaction and Finishing

For lime treated materials, final compaction and finishing shall be completed within 4 hours after the lime comes into contact with the material to be treated.

(a) Thickness of Layers

The subgrade shall be constructed in the layers of 150 mm compacted depth each.

(b) Compaction Requirements

The minimum density for lime treated materials shall be 97% MDD (Heavy compaction). The moisture content at the time of compaction shall be between 95% and 100% of Optimum Moisture Content.

(c) Finishing

The surface finish after compaction of any treated layer shall be free from ridges, compaction planes, laminations, loose and segregated material and other surface irregularities and shall be to the line and the level within the tolerances as specified in Clause 1101. If the surface fails to meet the requirements of this Specification, the Contractor shall take appropriate action to set out to comply with the requirements of the Section 1100 or agree with other action as the Engineer may instruct.

(6) Joints between New and Existing Work

The forming of construction joints and the protection of previously treated or other work shall be carried out so as to produce a uniformly compacted and homogeneous layer free from ridges or other irregularities. Full working width, without longitudinal joints, will generally be required. Half working width may be instructed by the Engineer to pass traffic. When forming longitudinal joints at least 100 mm of the first laid half-width layer shall be retreated and mixed in with the layer of second half-width. When forming transverse joints, at least 1.0 m length of the previously laid work shall be incorporated into the new treated layer and the Engineer may instruct that the percentage of stabilizer be increased at these places.

(7) Protection and Curing

Treated layers shall be kept continuously damp by lightly spraying with water or adhering to one of the curing systems specified below. Treated layers shall be protected, within 8 hours of completion by one of the following


(a) Completely covering the layer with clear or light-coloured approved polythene sheeting of minimum thickness 0.1 mm. The sheeting shall be laid to cover the whole of the surface of the layer. At joints the sheeting shall be lapped by at least 500 mm and any damaged sheeting shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense. The sheeting shall be securely held in contact with the layer by an approved method.

(b) Completely covering the treated material with a layer of damp uncompact gravel or soil material of minimum thickness 100 mm. The material which may form part of the next layer, shall be kept continuously damp. Plant used for dumping and spreading material, and spraying water shall be approved by the Engineer and shall have individual axle loads not exceeding 6 tons.

Immediately prior to application of a curing system the surface of the treated layer shall be made thoroughly damp by lightly spraying water. The curing system shall be kept in place and intact for a minimum of 7 days after completion of compaction. Some areas may be temporarily removed for the purposes of carrying out control testing but only for the minimum amount of time required for the testing.

(8) Construction Control Testing/Process Control Testing

(a) In-situ Material

The following properties shall be determined for the subgrade material as per

Table 5.2:

 Grading, Moisture Content, Atterberg limits,

  The MDD (heavy compaction) and OMC.

 The CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) after 4 days’ soak.

(b) Lime

Lime shall be tested in accordance with Clause 615 for each consignment delivered at the site.

(c) Control of Mixing

The following properties shall be determined after mixing on every new treated material used for subgrade and in every 400 m2 and part thereof of each layer of mixed material prior to compaction:

  The MDD (heavy compaction) and OMC

 The CBR at 95% MDD (heavy compaction) after 3 days curing at ambient temperature and 4 days’ soak which shall be not less than 15%.

(d) Control of Compaction

The field dry density shall be determined in each layer of compacted subgrade in a staggered manner i.e. left, at crown and at right in the carriageway.

(9) Traffic

Traffic or equipment other than that actually engaged in the various treatment or protection processes, shall not run over the layer bring processed or compacted. On compaction or curing, no traffic or equipment shall be allowed on the treated layer with the exception of that required for priming or construction of the subsequent layer.

(10) Tolerances

(a) Geometric Tolerances

The work shall be completed within tolerance as specified in Sub-clause 1003 (6).

(b) Amount of Stabilizer

The average amount of stabilizer, measured before mixing, over a length of 100 m, shall not be less than the amount instructed by the Engineer. The average amount of stabilizer, in the treated material, measured at five points over a length of 100 m, shall not be less than the amount instructed by the Engineer

The amount of stabilizer, measured at any point after mixing may vary within ± 3 % of the amount instructed by the Engineer.

(c) Determination of Stabilizer Content

The lime content in mixed materials shall be determined according to IS: 2720.


(1) Subgrade construction with loose untreated/treated materials, formation in rock cutting shall be measured in cubic meter by taking cross Sections at intervals of 10 meters or as directed by the Engineer in the original position before the work starts and after its completion and computing the volumes of the respective work in cubic meters by average end area method.

(2) Preparation of formation for rehabilitation works shall be measured in square meter.

(3) Capping layer shall be measured in cubic meter by end area method as described in Sub-clause 1007 (1).

(4) Mechanically stabilized subgrade shall be measured in cubic meter as described in Sub-clause 1007 (1) and shall be exclusive of the measurement on the stabilizer. Stabilizers (additive material) such as gravel, crushed stone/gravel or sand shall be measured in cubic meter as per procedure described below.

(a) Before mixing the stabilizer (i.e. gravel, crushed stone/gravel sand) quantity to be used shall be measured in stacks or in the body of transporting trucks/trippers, if it can be measured.

(b) In a length of 100 m five standard holes at the equal distances shall be dig up and materials shall be collected separately from each hole. The average percentage of stabilizer obtained from each hole shall be worked out. Based on average percentage of stabilizer and volume treated total quantity of stabilizer used shall be computed.

Least of the quantities computed in (a) and (b) above shall be accepted for payment.

(5) The volume of lime stabilized material shall be measured in cubic meter as per end area method inclusive of lime used. The lime used shall be measured in ton.

(6) Quick lime/Hydrated

Lime (stabilizer) shall be measured in ton as per actual consumption.


The subgrade construction with loose untreated/treated materials, formation in rock cutting, additive materials and stabilizers, preparation of formation, capping layer, mechanically stabilized subgrade, and lime stabilized material shall be paid at their respective contract unit rate which shall be the full and the final compensation to the Contractor as per Clause 112 and also for the cost of:

(1) Arrangement of land as a source of supply and material required

(2) Compacting the ground supporting subgrade where removal and replacement of unsuitable material or loosening and re compacting is involved.

(3) Watering or drying of material in the subgrade as required.

(4) Mixing, spreading in layers brining in appropriate moisture content and compacting to the requirement of Clause 1003.

(5) All other operations including incidental costs necessary to complete the item as per this Specification

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